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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

EFT Tapping: Script for Back Pain (Part 2)

Let's do one more one here for the emotions which are stored in the pain. If the pain begin due to an accident or a particular incident, then you wanna be sure to address this. Here are some questions for you to think about.

When did the pain begin?

Was it years ago from an incident?

Or did you just wake up to it one day?

Does anyone come to mind with this pain?

Was anyone with you or made you angry or uncomfortable when it started?

How do you feel about this pain?

Are you angry, frustrated?

Do you feel guilty?

 Have doctors told you anything about this pain? Such as if you don't have this surgery, you'll never get better. Or there's nothing more we can do about this . Or you need to be in medication forever in order to help it.

Whatever it is that you've heard, just be sure to tap on it.  A client of mine years ago had a terrible arthritic pain in her shoulder and her doctor told her she wouldn't be able to raise her arm above her head if she didn't have surgery. I am certain this doctor meant well but after releasing some old emotions while tapping on this particular issue, she was able to lift her arm without any pain in her shoulder permanently.

Another thing to think about, is there an upside to having this pain? It might sound silly. I remember having another client of mine, few years back who was in terrible pain and she had been in disability for years and she was scared that if she felt better, she would have to go back to work. Does this resonate with you? If it does, tap on it. Be sure to go back and tap on anything that comes up for you with these questions. Its a really good place to begin.

We're gonna do one more round of tapping here for an incident which might have occurred causing the back pain. Again this is very general so feel free to insert your own specific dialogue for your particular experience.

And we're gonna start Tapping again.

Even though I've had this back pain since that incident, I deeply and profoundly love and accept  myself.

Even though I haven't been the same since that incident and I still have this back pain, I deeply and completely love, honor and forgive myself.

Even though  am still in a great deal of pain stored in my back or since that particular incident,  I accept the circumstances which led to my pain and I am open to letting go.

And we're gonna tap through the points.

Top of the Head (TH): This back pain since that incident.
Eyebrow (EB): This intense back pain.
Side of the eye (SE): I just can't seem to let it go.
Under the eye (UE): I keep remembering that day.
Under the nose (UN): That incident
Chin (CH): I remember what happened.
Collar bone (CB): Im still upset about it.
Underarm (UA): Maybe it is something I did.

TH: Maybe I think it was someone else's fault.
EB: I can't seem to release the pain from my back.
SE: I really feel angry, guilty, scared, resentful about it.
UE: I really wish it didn't happen.
UN: I wish I can go back and change that moment.
CH: Then I wouldn't have this pain.
CB: All this pain from the incident.
UA: As I start to relax, I know I am safe in letting go.

TH: Im letting it all go.
EB: Maybe it's time for me to let go of that incident or that memory.
SE: After all, it's long gone and I can't change it.
UE:  I have heard forgiveness is important.
UN: Maybe it's safe now.
CH: I've spent far too much time and energy replaying this incident in my mind.
CB: Maybe it is long gone but every time I replay it in my mind, I am recreating the stress in my body  and in my back.
UA: I am making a conscious choice.

TH: I'm done.
EB: I'm done suffering.
SE: I am done blaming.
UE: I am done with the pain.
UN: I am releasing it all from my body.
CH: Releasing it from my muscles, my fascia, my spine.
CB: Aligning myself with feeling good.
UA: Allowing forgiveness into my life.

TH: Forgiving myself for the part that I played.
EB: Forgiving others for the part that they played.
SE: It's okay to let go.
UE: I am safe letting go.
UN: I don't need to carry the past with me.
CH: I deserve to let go.
CB: It is truly imperative to healing.
UA: And I'm ready.


I want you to take a deep breath in and let go. Good job. That's a lot of tapping but tune in and see how that feels. Keep tapping in any new thought or emotion which might have come up for you. The bottom line is to keep tapping until it's gone for good. Keep tapping.

Click here for Part 1 of this  EFT Tapping Script.

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