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Friday, July 31, 2015

EFT Tapping for Back Pain

"Today we'll tap for back pain. So many people suffer with back pain and many just learned to live with it. But why? If you've seen my videos or any tapping videos, you're probably aware by now that if you are experiencing pain or any discomfort in your body, this is a signal that something is wrong.  There is an imbalance of some sort and there is most likely emotions or stressors that are trapped in your body and wanting to be released. Once you clear out the emotional underlying component, the very likely that the pain will improve considerably or not dissipate entirely. 

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reducing and Eliminating Chronic Pain

EFT Tapping

All pain begins with the thought, emotion, or memory of some sort which of course stores emotions. I repeat that, All pain begins with the thought, emotion, or memory of some sort. That's right even if you are in pain because of an accident or twisted your ankle when your working out or just woke up with a pain in your neck or your back because you slept funny. Even if you've been diagnosed with cancer  or fibromyalgia or some other disease. These diseases all stem from stress in your body which  creates emotions damaging cells in your body. 

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reducing and Eliminating Chronic Pain

Now let me be very clear about this . Not everyone who has stress has been or will be diagnosed with the disease but everyone, everyone  knows how to feel to be stressed and Im sure if I ask you where you carry stress in your body, you would not hesitate for a moment  

First, locate the pain. Where is the back pain? Is it the upper back? The middle back or the lower back? Generally speaking, back pain is often about a lack of support.

Upper back can often be a general feeling of a lack of emotional support in your life. The feeling like you have to do all on your own. 

Lower back is often the fear of lack of money or lack of financial support. 

Now, you might say 'Well actually,  I have back pain because I was in a car accident. I bent over and throw out my back. My L4 and L5 are out so it has nothing to do with emotions.' Well, actually yes it does! It has very much to do with emotions. So if you begin tapping on all the emotions which stem from the accident, from the time you throw out your back there is a very good chance that the pain in your back will improve. I've seen it happen over and over and over again even if you're a skeptic.

Okay, so first, you locate the pain. Be specific as to where you feel the pain. How big is it? What is the circumference of it? Is it a small area like a size of a quarter? Or does it radiate out to a larger area. Just notice it. Now, I want you to describe how it feels. Is it a sharp, stabbing pain, a dull ache, it hurts when you move a certain way? Just notice it. 

Next, I want you to rate the pain and discomfort. On the scale of zero to 10. Zero is no pain. Ten is as bad as it gets.  You can write this down or make a mental note of it. 

Lastly, I want you to think about what this pain is trying to tell you.  Clients often look at me funny with this question. If you have an answer to this, just notice it. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then just be still for a moment and feel the discomfort. Does it feel like there's some anger in your back? Maybe resentment or pressure. Maybe some guilt. If you can identify, great. If not, that's okay and we can just move on. 

Click here for the Tapping Script from Julie Schiffman for Back Pain. 

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reducing and Eliminating Chronic Pain


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