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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

EFT Tapping: Script for Back Pain (Part 1)

We're gonna start tapping.  So this first sequence will be for the general pain. Be sure to change the words to apply to you and your circumstances. This is very general. 

Please remember to take responsibility for your physical and emotional well-being. If you need assistance, reach out for help. There are so many EFT practitioners out there who would love to help you. 

And we're gonna start tapping on the Karate chop (KC) point:

Even though I have this back pain, I love, accept and honor myself.

Even though I have this intense pain in my upper back, this sharp stabbing pain, I love, accept and forgive myself.

Even though sometimes its hard to love and accept myself when I'm in such pain,  I choose to listen to my body and accept that it's just expressing itself.  I have permission to let it go.

And we're gonna tap through the points.

Top of the Head (TH): This back pain
Eyebrow (EB): This back pain
Side of the eye (SE): This pain in my upper or lower back.
Under the eye (UE): Feels like my back is not supporting me.
Under the nose (UN): My back feels weak.
Chin (CH): This stress in my back.
Collar bone (CB: It's really nagging at me.
Underarm (UA): This pain in my back.

TH: Really feels like my back is not supporting me.
EB: This discomfort in my back.
SE: I wonder if there's anyone else I feel who isn't supporting me.
UE: I work so hard regardless of what it is I do and I feel unsupported in some ways.
UN: I feel that in my back.
CH: Stress and tension in my back.
CB: Just feel so tight.
UA: It's hard to feel relaxed with this pain.

TH: It's hard for me to do certain things and I'm feeling frustrated.
EB: I accept myself and my body.
SE: I recognize that my body is sending a signal and something is out of balance.
UE: I choose to release it and let it go.

UN: Allowing my body to relax.
CH: All my muscles, fascia, ligaments are all relaxing.
CB: Letting go of the events or experiences which lead to this back pain.
UA: Letting go of all the frustrations, the anger, resentment, and fears from my back.

TH: This taxing commotions no longer serve a purpose for me. I release it all and let it go.
EB: Just allowing my back to relax for now.
SE: To get some relief
I deserve to let go.
UN: I deserve to relax.
CH: Letting go.
CB: Letting go.
UA: I deserve to let go.


Take a nice big deep breath in and let it go. And go back and see how that pain feels. Are you feeling a bit more relaxed. Do the pain move at all to a different part of your back?  That's common. Continue to do tapping on the pain until it has significantly reduced if not, totally all gone. Did any memories or emotions come up for you while tapping? If so,  keep going.

Click here for the Part Two of this Tapping Script to touch on the emotional part of the back pain.

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